Sit and Stay, Part Deux
More and more we are presented with evidence of how important it is to t urn away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and sit...
Metta Meditation Video
A 2015 study published in the Journal of American College of Radiation found that "Listening to guided meditation significantly lowered...
Sit & Stay: Tips for Meditating
Sit. Stay. These are commands we give our two dogs every day. Sometimes they listen; sometimes we need to repeat ourselves several times....
Clearing the Filters Part 2
In my previous post, Clearing the Filters Part 1, I wrote about the importance of maintaining the "filters" of the body (lymphatic...
Clearing the Filters Part 1
Any home or car owner understands the importance of filter maintenance. You clean your lint filter each time you use your dryer, you...
How Do I Win at Yoga?
Recently The Onion, an online source of satirical commentary, posted about meditation and I found one line in this funny article to be...